Using Apache Superset, a Powerful and Free Data Analysis Tool

Introduction Among data analysis tools, Apache Superset , provided as open-source software, is considered one of the best choices for deploying reports at a large scale efficiently and completely free of charge. In this article, I will guide you through installing, configuring Superset, and connecting data sources. This application was initiated by Maxime Beauchemin (the creator of Apache Airflow) as a hackathon project when he was working at Airbnb , and it joined the Apache Incubator program in 2017. Essentially, Superset's features are quite similar to other data analysis software, including: Creating and managing dashboards Supporting multiple database types: SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc. Supporting direct querying Installation and Configuration Here, I will guide you through installing Superset using the following Docker command: docker run -d -p {outside port}:{inside port} --name {container name} apache/superset Example: docker run -d -p 8080 :8088 --name ...