Using Google Cloud Run to Deploy Docker Image


Google Cloud Run (GCR) makes deploying a Docker image as easy as running it locally. GCR also includes customizable configuration options for managing services, simplifying the deployment process significantly.

Build Docker Image

The key step in deploying with a Docker image is successfully building that image. In this guide, we’ll use a NodeJS server Docker image created in this article. Follow the steps to build your Docker image (or use an existing one), and push it to Google Artifact Registry before proceeding.

Deploy Docker Image

To deploy a Docker image using Google Cloud Run, simply use the following command:

gcloud run deploy express-ts --image {docker image} --port {port container} --region {region id} --max-instances {number of instance} --allow-unauthenticated

  • --image: is the link to the Docker image on Google Artifact Registry or Docker Hub
  • --port: is the container port you are exposing
  • --max-instances: is the number of instances

For example:

After a successful deployment, the Service URL will be created, and you can access it immediately to start using the service.

To list the available services, execute the following command:

To delete a service:

See you again in the next articles!


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