Uploading Files to Google Cloud Storage with NodeJS
Introduction This guide will show you how to upload files to Google Cloud Storage using NodeJS . This method, which separates file storage from logic processing, is commonly used today. Cloud Storage offers an efficient solution for securely storing data, with major providers like Google , Amazon , and Azure leading the way. Prerequisites Before you proceed, make sure you have: A Google Cloud account or a Service Account with the necessary permissions to interact with a Bucket . Installed the Google Cloud CLI . Basic knowledge of NodeJS . You can refer to this guide to set up a NodeJS TypeScript project as used in this article . Creating a Service Account Refer to this guide to create a JSON file for your Service Account before moving on to the next steps. Setting roles for necessary permissions Ensure you have assigned the roles needed to interact with Google Bucket . gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {project id} \ --member=serviceAccount:{service account usern...