Setting Up an EXTERNAL-IP for Local LoadBalancer Service

Introduction If you've used a LoadBalancer service from a Cloud Provider , you'll know how convenient it is to have an EXTERNAL-IP assigned automatically. However, when using local Kubernetes , the default setting doesn't provide an EXTERNAL-IP . Building on our previous discussion, this guide will show you how to use ` cloud-provider-kind ` to assign an EXTERNAL-IP to your local LoadBalancer service . First, make sure you've set up your local Kubernetes using Kind as outlined in my previous guide. This is necessary to proceed with the next steps. Installing cloud-provider-kind Since this is a Go package , you'll need to install Go first. Then, you can install the package with the following steps: go install Then execute command to use: cloud-provider-kind Keep in mind that you need to keep the terminal running while using Kubernetes to create the EXTERNAL-IP . Testing with local EXTERNAL-IP Create a deployment and e...