Explaining Async/Await in JavaScript in 10 Minutes

Introduction For a long time, we've relied on callbacks to deal with asynchronous code in JavaScript. As a result, many of us have faced dreadful experiences dealing with deeply nested functions ( callback hell ). Callback hell Callbacks come with a lot of drawbacks. When we have multiple asynchronous operations, callbacks have to wait for each other to execute, prolonging the completion time. Additionally, writing nested callbacks makes our code messy and hard to maintain. In the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) version, JavaScript introduced Promises. This was a fantastic replacement for callbacks and was quickly embraced by the community. Our new code looks similar to the old one, making it easier to follow and maintain. However, the issues with callbacks weren't completely resolved. Since the ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) version, Async/Await has been added to make asynchronous code in JavaScript look and feel easier to use. What is Async/Await? Async/Await is a feature of JavaScript that ...