
Showing posts with the label nodejs

Using Kafka with Docker and NodeJS

Introduction to Kafka Kafka is an open-source , distributed messaging system that functions on a publish/subscribe model. It is widely used by numerous large companies for high-performance , real-time data streaming. Developed by LinkedIn since 2011, Kafka has grown into the most popular distributed streaming platform. It can handle vast amounts of records with high efficiency. Advantages of Kafka Open-source : Freely available and continuously improved by a large community. High-throughput, high-frequency : Capable of processing large volumes of data across topics continuously. Automatic message storage : Allows for easy message retrieval and verification. Large user community : Offers extensive support and shared resources. Basic Concepts If you're new to Kafka and Message Queues, here are some key concepts to understand: Producer : Creates and sends data to the Kafka server, where data is sent as messages in byte array format. Consumer : One or more consumers subscribe to

Using Terraform to deploy a docker image on Google Kubernetes Engine

Introduction to Terraform Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp . It allows you to build, change, and version your infrastructure safely and efficiently. Here are some key features of Terraform : Human-Readable Configuration Files : Terraform lets you define both cloud and on-prem resources in human-readable configuration files that you can version, reuse, and share. Multi-Cloud Support : Terraform can manage infrastructure on multiple cloud platforms. Providers enable Terraform to work with virtually any platform or service with an accessible API. Lifecycle Management : The core Terraform workflow consists of three stages: Write : Define resources across multiple cloud providers and services. Plan : Terraform creates an execution plan describing what it will create, update, or destroy. Apply : On approval, Terraform performs the proposed operations in the correct order, respecting any resource dependencies. State Management : Terraform keeps track

Using MongoDB on Docker

Introduction MongoDB is a widely popular NoSQL database today due to its simplicity and several advantages over relational databases. Through this guide, you'll learn how to quickly use MongoDB within Docker without going through many complex installation steps. Note that before starting, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. Starting MongoDB on Docker You just need to execute the following command: docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v /data/db:/data/db -d mongo Explanation of the command: - `-e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password`: Sets environment variables for MongoDB initialization. You can replace "username" and "password" with your desired credentials. - `--name mongo`: Sets the name for the container. - `-p 27017:27017`: Exposes the MongoDB port for usage. - `-v /data/db:/data/db`: Mounts a volume from

Creating API Documentation with Swagger on NodeJS

Introduction Swagger is a popular, simple, and user-friendly tool for creating APIs . Most backend developers, regardless of the programming languages they use, are familiar with Swagger . This article will guide you through creating API documentation using Swagger on Node.js (specifically integrated with the Express framework). This is handy when you want to provide API documentation in a professional UI format for stakeholders involved in integration. Restful API REST stands for Representational State Transfer . It is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating web services. RESTful APIs provide a simple and flexible way to access web services without complex processing. Common HTTP Methods in RESTful APIs : - GET : Used to read (retrieve) a representation of a resource. It returns data in XML or JSON format. - POST : Creates new resources or subordinates to existing ones. - PUT : Updates existing resources or creates new ones if the client chooses the