Using styled-components in React/Next Applications

Introduction When it comes to styling your React application with a css-in-js approach, styled-components stands out as a top choice. In this post, I'll walk you through how to utilize styled-components in a Next application. By default, Next provides a way to use css-in-js through styled-jsx. However, if you find styled-jsx cumbersome because it requires writing CSS within JSX , which can make your components lengthier, then styled-components might be the right fit for you. Installation of styled-components npm install styled-components // or yarn add styled-components Example usage: import styled from 'styled-components' const Wrapper = styled . div ` color: red; text-align: center; ` // Component with input param const Wrapper2 = styled . div <{ $color ?: string }> ` color: ${ props => props . $color } ; text-align: center; ` export default function Index () { return ( <> < Wrapper > Demo 1 </ Wrapper > ...