
Showing posts with the label helm

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

Introduction There are two common scaling methods: Vertical scaling and Horizontal scaling . Vertical scaling involves adding more hardware, such as RAM or CPU , or increasing the number of server nodes. Horizontal scaling , on the other hand, means adding more instances of an app to fully utilize the available resources on a node or server. However, horizontal scaling has its limits. Once a node's resources are maxed out, vertical scaling becomes necessary. This article will focus on horizontal scaling using Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) , which automatically scales resources up or down based on system demands. Implementation Process 1. Build a Docker image for your application. 2. Deploy the image using a Deployment and LoadBalancer service. 3. Configure HPA to automatically scale resources. To use HPA for auto-scaling based on CPU/Memory , Kubernetes must have the metrics-server installed. If you’re using a cloud provider, the metrics-server is usually instal...

Setting up Kubernetes Dashboard with Kind

Introduction In a previous article, I guided you through using Helm to deploy on Google Kubernetes Engine . However, if you want to cut down costs by using Kubernetes in your local environment instead of relying on a cloud provider during development, then Kind is your go-to. There are several tools to help set up Kubernetes locally, such as MiniKube , Kind , K3S , KubeAdm , and more. Each tool has its own pros and cons. In this article, I'll walk you through using Kind to quickly set up a Kubernetes cluster on Docker . Kind stands out for its compactness, making Kubernetes start up quickly, being user-friendly, and supporting the latest Kubernetes versions. Working with Kind Firstly, follow the instructions here to install Kind according to your operating system. If you're using Ubuntu , execute the command: [ $( uname -m ) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind chmod +x ./kind sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/ki...

Helm for beginer - Deploy nginx to Google Kubernetes Engine

Introduction Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes , which simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes clusters. Helm uses a packaging format called charts , which are collections of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. Key Components of Helm Charts : Helm packages are called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers , databases, caches, and so on. Values : Charts can be customized with values, which are configuration settings that specify how the chart should be installed on the cluster. These values can be set in a ` values.yaml ` file or passed on the command line. Releases : When you install a chart, a new release is created. This means that one chart can be installed multiple times into the same cluster, and each can be indep...