NodeJS Practice Series


NodeJS is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Here are some key points about NodeJS:
  • V8 Engine: NodeJS runs on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is also the core of Google Chrome. This allows NodeJS to be highly performant.
  • Asynchronous and Non-Blocking: NodeJS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. It’s lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for data-intensive real-time applications.
  • Single-Threaded: NodeJS runs in a single process, handling multiple requests without creating new threads. It eliminates waiting and continues with the next request.
  • Common Language: Frontend developers who write JavaScript for browsers can use the same language for server-side code in NodeJS. You can even use the latest ECMAScript standards without waiting for browser updates.

This page is designed to compile articles related to NodeJS, including how to integrate it with various libraries and relevant tech stacks. I will continue to update the series with new articles in the future as I come up with ideas to further complete it.

The articles have been arranged in increasing order of difficulty so that you can easily follow along. If you have the time, I recommend starting from the beginning of the series to familiarize yourself with the necessary knowledge and the source code required for the subsequent articles.

Typically, for backend development technologies like NodeJS, you need to equip yourself with knowledge in the following areas:

  • Basic knowledge: Syntax, coding conventions, project structure.
  • Database: Integration with databases.
  • Microservices: Integration with multiple services.
  • Testing: Unit testing, integration testing, etc.
  • CI/CD, Deployment: Building and deploying to VPS, Cloud Platforms, etc.
  • Monitoring: Tracing issues, scaling on demand.

Once you have a solid grasp of the foundational concepts, the more advanced topics and extensions won’t pose any significant challenges.


  1. A Handy Guide to Using Dynamic Import in JavaScript
  2. Explaining Async/Await in JavaScript in 10 Minutes
  3. Constants, Object.freeze, Object.seal and Immutable in JavaScript
  4. Explanation of SOLID in OOP
  5. Creating API Documentation with Swagger on NodeJS
  6. Using Kafka with Docker and NodeJS
  7. Create API Gateway with fast-gateway
  8. Enhance Security for NodeJS Application
  9. Deploy NodeJS Typescript to Google App Engine
  10. Using Google Cloud Run to Deploy Docker Image
  11. Deploying a NodeJS Server on Google Kubernetes Engine

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding the content of the articles, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below!


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