Kubernetes Practice Series
Kubernetes (often abbreviated as K8s) is an open-source system designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
This page serves as a collection of articles related to Kubernetes (K8s), including theoretical concepts and practical guides on using Kubernetes to set up essential tools for the software development process. I will continue to update this series with new articles as ideas come to mind, to ensure the series becomes more comprehensive.
The articles are arranged in increasing order of difficulty to make it easier for you to follow. If you have time, it's recommended that you start from the beginning of the series to acquire the necessary knowledge and information that will prepare you for the subsequent articles.
Key Topics Covered in This Series
- Basic Knowledge: Fundamental concepts, common commands, etc.
- Resources: Pod, Deployment, Service, StatefulSet, Ingress, etc.
- Pod Autoscaler: Horizontal and Vertical scaling.
- Design Patterns
- Helm: An open-source package manager for Kubernetes applications. Helm simplifies deploying applications onto Kubernetes clusters by allowing you to define, install, and upgrade even complex applications using Helm charts.
- Setting up Local Kubernetes: Tools like Kind, MiniKube, etc.
- Integration with Cloud Platforms: GCP, AWS, Azure.
- Integration with CI/CD: GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins, Terraform.
Once you have a solid grasp of the foundational knowledge, the advanced and supplementary topics should not pose any significant challenges.
It is recommended that you go through the Docker Practice Series or familiarize yourself with Docker before diving into Kubernetes. Docker is the foundational platform upon which Kubernetes was developed, and many aspects of Kubernetes are similar to or built upon Docker.
- Kubernetes Pod Cheatsheet
- Practicing with Google Cloud Platform - Google Kubernetes Engine to deploy nginx
- Deploy NodeJS Application to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Deploy React Application to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Deploy Golang Application to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Deploy Python Flask Server to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Helm for beginer - Deploy nginx to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Setting up Kubernetes Dashboard with Kind
- Setting Up an EXTERNAL-IP for Local LoadBalancer Service
- Using Terraform to deploy a docker image on Google Kubernetes Engine
- Kubernetes Deployment for Zero Downtime
- Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret
- Kubernetes PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim to storage data
- Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
- Deploying HTTPS with Kubernetes Nginx Ingress and Cert Manager
- Using Kubernetes Ingress to navigate traffic to Services
- Kubernetes Health Check and Auto Restart
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